Welcome to my garden

I’m Andy Bruère, curious and self-taught developer, passionate about our little globe, its charming and tiny things and inhabitants, its music, cinema and imaginary worlds, its puzzling complexity

At a practical level, this curiosity led me to create my own startup Sharinplace right after college education in management and data science, in 2015.

Sharinplace failed. With my friends and cofounders, I started out with the idea of making equipment sharing easier to promote more sensible consumption practices. In charge of our success, I made a well-known mistake: build it, they will come. Long story short: we built something we were proud of, I honed my programming and business skills, but lost focus.

Sharinplace has turned into an open-source platform named Stelace, with the desire to make this programming endeavor useful. Stelace has helped teams building online marketplaces and search-intensive platforms to iterate much faster than we did.

While building a company and awesome projects based on computer science, I have also grown a strong interest for life sciences, biology, nutrition and environment protection.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch.
